About my machine
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About my machine

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Hello, I need to know which type of PC Upgrade do I need to have on my machine. I am 16 old boy. My ambition is to be an Professional Graphic Designer. The machine which I use now is an,

Core 2 Quad Machine with 4GB RAM, 512MB VGA, 500GB HDD and 200-240VAC Power Supply.

The reason which I thought to upgarde my machine is, the machine becomes slower when working with 2-3 hours, and can't play some games.

So, I thought to upgrade my machine to,

Core i5 3rd Gen with H61 Motherboard, 120GB SSD, 500GB HDD, 512MB VGA, 10GB RAM or 12GB RAM.

The thiings i need to do on my machine are,

Do my online classes, play some games, for designings ( such as from Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects ).

So, I need to know is this build okay for me and, do i need more upgrades to be done to my machine. I hope to fix an 2GB GTX660 VGA.

Can you help me to make my machine. I hope to have a build with used parts and some parts such as SSD as branded. My price is Rs. 25, 000 to have my machine to completely finish building up.

Please, help me.......

Tell, me your ideas..........

1 Answer

What you have chosen as an upgrade is good. but we highly recommend building a brand new PC. look at this link - even the i3 onboard version will be good for you. but get a 2nd hand VGA if u want to game
